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Empowering Youth for Climate Action

The CLIMentines project is a pioneering initiative aimed at fostering a new generation of young, environmentally conscious and politically active Europeans. They will be equipped with the knowledge, skills and tools to actively engage in climate action policies both nationally and at the European level. Participants will be empowered to take a stand in the global dialogue on climate action and democratic participation. 

The project unites seven organizations across six European countries to build a robust transnational network dedicated to climate action.

Project objetives

  • Networking, Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Connect youth organizations and young people to strengthen knowledge sharing and mutual learning through a transnational network.
  • Youth Empowerment: Support the active engagement of young people and empower them by enhancing their competencies and confidence to influence climate policies effectively.
  • Capacity Building: Enhance the capacities of youth organizations and youth workers by providing them with concrete tools and knowledge to enable effective participation of young activists, the establishment of deliberative democracy principles and sustainable climate action.

Project implementation

  • Development of a transnational network.
  • Publication of a study containing an analytical overview of existing participation projects and initiatives for young people on the subject of climate protection in the partner countries and at EU level.
  • Organisation of workshops and international training courses for youth workers.
  • Development of a toolbox for youth organisations and youth workers, which will be available in seven languages.
  • Creation of a guide for youth workers on climate action in seven languages.
  • Development of six local task forces in 6 countries on climate action.
  • Implementation of a transnational youth exchange programme.

Project partner: KMOP (Greece; coordinator), ActionAid (Italy), ALDA & Groupe SOS (France), Youth Academy (Finland), PROM (Poland), ÖJAB (Austria)

Project duration: November 2023 – October 2025

Project website:

  • Logo Climentines
  • EU Flagge inklusive der Info Kofinanziert von der Europäischen Union

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or OeAD-GmbH. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.