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supporting membership

If you’d like to provide regular support to the social and nonprofit work done by ÖJAB, please consider becoming a supporting member.

As a supporting member, you’ll pay an annual contribution to ÖJAB. Our suggestion would be one “ÖJAB-Euro” per week, meaning a yearly donation of € 52. In return, we’ll send you the ÖJAB Magazine and various invitations for free. 

Your donation will help us work to support disadvantaged young people, care for the aged, assist refugees, promote international contact between youth, and pursue development projects in some of the world’s poorest regions.

All you need to do is the following: Send us an E-mail or write us a letter (addressed to: ÖJAB Zentrale Geschäftsstelle, Mittelgasse 16, A-1060 Vienna) in which you state your desire to become a supporting member of ÖJAB.

And/or: Transfer your supporting contribution (recommendation: € 52 per year) to our account, entering the purpose (in Austria: “Verwendungszweck” or similar) “Unterstützende Mitgliedschaft” (supporting membership) plus your legible postal address for future mailings into the transfer form. Our account is: 

Bank: PSK
IBAN: AT216000000007255858

regular membership

This form of membership is intended for people who wish to participate actively in ÖJAB’s work. The annual membership fee is currently € 40 (for students: € 10). Regular members have the right to vote in the ÖJAB General Assembly.

Those who wish to become regular members of ÖJAB may direct a freely formulated written membership request to the ÖJAB Presidium at the mailing address ÖJAB Zentrale Geschäftsstelle, Mittelgasse 16, A-1060 Vienna.

Associate Membership 

Associate members are typically individuals living at ÖJAB residential facilities who are below the age of 30 as well as former residents of such facilities who still feel connected to their former homes.


We’ll be happy to provide you with more detailed information on the various forms of ÖJAB membership. Please contact: ÖJAB Head Office, Association Desk: Mag. Wolfgang Mohl, Telephone: +43 (0)1 597 97 35 826.