Work with Refugees at ÖJAB
Over 65 Years of Refugee Assistance –
Housing, General Assistance, and Educational Offerings for Migrants and Refugees

ÖJAB has been supporting and caring for refugees since 1956. Back then, when large numbers of people fled communist Hungary due to its occupation by the Soviet Army, ÖJAB began admitting Hungarian refugees to its dormitories – especially in Greifenstein, Lower Austria. Later on, ÖJAB also took in refugees from communist Czechoslovakia (1968) and Poland (1981–1983), and it has since then continued to take in refugees from all over the world.
Against this backdrop and in view of the present-day flows of migrants and refugees to Europe, the provision of housing, general assistance, and education for and with migrants and refugees has become one of ÖJAB’s core missions.
ÖJAB provides asylum seekers with a new home and supports them in various ways.
Furthermore, educational projects for recognized refugees are conducted at ÖJAB’s Vocational Training Institute (BPI).