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ÖJAB Home Care Neumargareten

Mobile Nursing Care and Home Assistance in Vienna

In addition to the residence and nursing home, ÖJAB offers mobile services in Vienna.
ÖJAB currently operates a home care support center in Vienna’s 12th district (Meidling) for clients in the following districts: 2nd (Leopoldstadt), 3rd (Landstraße) and 4th (Wieden), 5th (Margareten), 6th (Mariahilf), and 12th (Meidling). 1st district (Innere Stadt) on request.  

We enable care-dependent individuals to live in their accustomed surroundings with support visits, home assistance, and home nursing care.
The nursing care and other forms of help that we provide are characterized by individual attention and human warmth, building upon the knowledge that every person’s physical health is also tied to their emotional and mental state.

Our services are normally provided weekdays between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m.

  • Logo Fonds Soziales Wien

ÖJAB Home Care Neumargareten is a recognized facility of the Vienna Social Fund, for which reason the costs of ÖJAB Home Care Neumargareten are eligible for public financial support.

To learn more about these offerings, please visit the German-language version of this page by clicking on “DE” in the top right corner.


Büro der ÖJAB-Hauskrankenpflege im ÖJAB-Haus Neumargareten.


Stützpunktleiter DGKP Arian Juniku.
DGKP Arian Juniku

Head of ÖJAB Home Care


ÖJAB-Hauskrankenpflege Neumargareten 
Hermi-Hirsch-Weg 4/10
1120 Vienna

Telephone: +43 1 8152177-10
Web address:

Office hours:
Monday to Thursday 8:00 to 16:00
Friday 8:00 to14:00

Outside of office hours, calls to this number are forwarded to our standby staff.

The office is closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays.

Schrein in Japan. Symbolbild. Foto: Ottilie Reinfeld.
Friday, 7.3.2025

Upcoming Events im ÖJAB-Haus Eisenstadt

ÖJAB-Haus Eisenstadt, Campus 2, 7000 Eisenstadt

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Monday, 24.2.2025

Employer Branding & Corporate Influencing – ÖJAB-Episode #24 mit Sigrid Uray-Esterer

Silvia Koller mit Vogelkäfig (Broncia Koller-Pinell, nach 1905)
Friday, 7.3.2025

Events zur Wiedner Frauenwoche im ÖJAB-Haus Dr. Rudolf Kirchschläger

ÖJAB-Haus Dr. Rudolf Kirchschläger, Schelleingasse 36, 1040 Wien

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