Support and Donations
Ways of Donating to ÖJAB
Here are some ways in which you can provide financial support for ÖJAB and its work!
Ukraine: Please help us help!
Donations For the ÖJAB Ukraine Aid
Für bis zu 100 Geflüchtete stellt die ÖJAB Plätze in ihren Wohnheimen zur Verfügung. Mit Ihrer Spende kann die ÖJAB den aus der Ukraine geflüchteten Menschen Erstversorgung, Essen, warme Kleidung, Hygieneartikel etc. bieten.
Weitere InformationenÖJAB provides places in its dormitories for up to 100 refugees. With your donation, ÖJAB can offer people who have fled Ukraine first aid, food, warm clothing, hygiene items, etc.
More Information
Donations to ÖJAB’s Hubert Schober Social Fund (“Hubert Schober-Sozialfonds der ÖJAB”)
Raiffeisenlandesbank Niederösterreich-Wien AG
Name: Hubert Schober-Sozialfonds der ÖJAB
IBAN: AT58 3200 0000 0353 1100

Please scan the QR code with your banking app.
With this fund, ÖJAB supports people from all social areas of ÖJAB quickly and unbureaucratically. Numerous individuals in dorms and residences, refugees, members and employees have already been helped with the fund in exceptional personal emergency situations.
The fund was given its current name in 2009 to memorialize the long-serving, socially committed dorm manager, employee, and ÖJAB vice president Hubert Schober (1950–2009, photo at right).

Donations for Development Cooperation
Support education and a better future for children and youth in Burkina Faso
More Information
Support refugees in Mödling
More Information
Tax deductibility
Dear Donor,
Your donations to ÖJAB are tax-deductible in Austria. On the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance’s list of charitable organizations to which donations are tax deductible, ÖJAB is registered as “SO 1382”.
Since 1 January 2017, it has no longer been necessary for you to personally provide the Ministry of Finance with documentation of your donations in order to deduct them from your taxable income. In accordance with an amendment to the Austrian Income Tax Act (EStG), ÖJAB now does this for you. In order to do so, ÖJAB must communicate the amount of your donation together with your first and last names and your date of birth to the Austrian Tax Authority. ÖJAB does this automatically for every donation it receives.
ÖJAB therefore needs you to list your first name and last name in an exact and clearly recognizable fashion on the bank transfer for your donation, and you can include your date of birth into the field “Purpose” (in Austria: “Verwendungszweck” or similar). For instance: “Verwendungszweck: Donation by Jane Doe, DOB: 1 Jan. 1998.”
As an alternative to listing your date of birth on your donation transfer, you can also e-mail it to us at. If you make multiple or regular donations, it is of course sufficient for you to provide us with your date of birth only once.
Should you desire that ÖJAB refrain from transmitting your personal information to the Austrian tax authority, please indicate this in an E-mail upon transfer of your donation, at the latest.