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About ÖJAB

ÖJAB (Österreichische JungArbeiterBewegung / Austrian Young Workers Movement) is a nonprofit organization that provides students and other young people with a home near their places of education, offers inpatient and mobile care, and pursues projects in the fields of education, integration, refugee relief, and development cooperation.

As one of Austria´s largest residence operators and as a youth organization independent of any political party and without any religious affiliations, ÖJAB offers living quarters for more than 4,800 individuals at 23 dormitories for students and other young people and four senior citizen residences as well as nursing homes for the elderly. The dormitories provide young people with opportunities to make new friends, pursue common activities, and have formative experiences. Seniors at ÖJAB facilities receive warm-hearted and professional care and also enjoy intergenerational encounters. ÖJAB’s offerings for the elderly are complemented by assisted living, home care services and a nursing school.

Additionally, each year sees ÖJAB support 1,200 young people and adults (for the most part from socially underprivileged backgrounds) in acquiring education as well as training that qualifies them for the job market. ÖJAB also participates in Europe-wide educational projects.

Asylum seekers and refugees are provided for at ÖJAB facilities and can take part in ÖJAB training programs.

ÖJAB also pursues development cooperation projects in Burkina Faso (West Africa).

Altogether, ÖJAB’s activities extend to cover 43 locations, including 29 dormitories and residences. ÖJAB has 820 employees, of whom 560 work in the fields of caregiving and education, and it’s work is also strongly characterized by the numerous individuals who provide their services to the organization on a voluntary basis.

ÖJAB thus has four main areas of activity:

Students & Youth

3 Students in the kitchen of an ÖJAB Student dorm

Education & Integration

2 participants of an vocational training in front of electrics.

Seniors & Nursing Care

Senior talking with nurse

Development cooperation

Boy in Burkina Fasos sitting on a bicycle and looking into African landscape.

ÖJAB offers all of the individuals whom it serves the kind of home and feeling of belonging that are necessary in order to grow, learn, and mature. The explicit goal here is to enable people to acquire the skills they need in order to master their lives regardless of their life situation or age.

At ÖJAB facilities, values such as respect, equality, and love of one’s neighbor are conveyed and practiced, and both guidance and support are provided to disadvantaged individuals and individuals with special needs. – To ourMission Statement


How did ÖJAB come to exist? – To ourThe history

To support its social and charitable work, ÖJAB operates three subsidiaries:

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#FacesofEmpowerment – Was „Female Empowerment“ für unsere Mitarbeiter:innen bedeutet

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Monday, 3.3.2025

Female Empowerment – ÖJAB-Themenmonat März
