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Education & Integration

ÖJAB is widely engaged to promote education and integration of people: from vocational orientation and training to international networking to refugee assistance. All activities are based on the aim of connecting people and providing opportunities for them.

Youth and Adult Education

Workshop at the BPI of ÖJAB.

ÖJAB’s BPI (Berufspädagogisches Institut – Vocational Training Institute) provides primarily technical, commercial, and language-related training that qualifies young people and adults for employment.

continue to Youth and Adult Education

Europe & International

Symbolic image networked Europe (Foto:

ÖJAB’s educational work includes a diverse range of European cooperative projects that provide initial and continuing vocational education and training to young people and adults, and it also engages in cooperative activities with organizations in Japan.

continue to Europe & International

Work with refugees at ÖJAB

Unaccompanied minor refugees in the classroom.

ÖJAB has over 60 years of experience in supporting and caring for refugees.

continue to Work with refugees at ÖJAB


Teacher and apprentice standing in front of a workbench with tools.

An offering for adolescents and young adults who need to improve their school education and/or work on social and personal skills before they continue with vocational training or further schooling.

continue to AusbildungsFit

Projects with Japan


Schrein in Japan. Symbolbild. Foto: Ottilie Reinfeld.
Thursday, 27.3.2025

Dia-Vortrag: Nippon – Land der aufgehenden Sonne

ÖJAB-Haus Eisenstadt, Campus 2, 7000 Eisenstadt

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Veranstaltungssaal am BPI der ÖJAB
Wednesday, 29.1.2025

Raum für Ideen: Deinen Eventsaal am BPI der ÖJAB mieten!

Logo Erasmus Days
Friday, 18.10.2024

Eindrücke vom Erasmus Day am BPI der ÖJAB
