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Creative Care

Intergenerational Art Programs for the Care Sector

Creative Care aims to enhance the creativity of older adults. To achieve this, vocational education and training (VET) providers are given relevant resources and tools to offer suitable learning opportunities for those in the care sector. The goal is to raise awareness of the importance of participatory art programs for older people.

key results

  • Good Practice Guide & Recommendations: A detailed guide for VET providers outlining best practices.
  • Creative Care Training Resources: Specialised resources focusing on intergenerational and participatory art practices.
  • Creative Care Online Toolbox: An online platform hosting training materials and e-learning units.
  • Information Material and Sustainability Guide: Comprehensive information material along with a guide for sustainability and replication of successful practices.

Creative Care is committed to enhancing the role of art in improving the lives of older adults in healthcare settings. Join us in fostering a more creative and inclusive environment for all.

Target groups

  • VET Providers, Educators, and Trainers: Benefiting from access to Creative Care material to enhance work-based skills and adapt to labour market needs.
  • Healthcare Professionals: Social care professionals, activity coordinators, artists, and animators working with older people, receiving comprehensive learning opportunities.
  • VET Learners and Interested Professionals: Increasing skills in intergenerational learning and participatory art programmes through high-quality VET and e-learning.
  • Multipliers: Actors in ageing, well-being, social care, performing arts, and VET networks informed about the benefits of professional skills in intergenerational learning and participatory art.
  • Decision Makers: Local, regional, national, and European leaders in active ageing, well-being, and vocational education benefiting from project insights and recommendations.
  • General Public: Informed about the importance and benefits of the intergenerational approach.

Project partner: Fundaţia de Sprijin Comunitar - Koordinator (Romania), ÖJAB (Austria), KMOP Policy Center (Belgium), ARTIT (Greece) und Asociaţia Habilitas (Romania)


  • Creative Care Logo

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.