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Educational Programs at ÖJAB’s BPI

Future through Education -

ÖJAB’s BPI (Berufspädagogisches Institut – Vocational Training Institute) qualifies young people and adults for employment via primarily technical, business-related, and language-related vocational training and also offers career orientation as well as competence checks, German courses and assistance in getting integrated into the labor market.

Ein Trainer gemeinsam mit einem Teilnehmer und eine junge Frau, die an einem Schaltschrank arbeitet

One day at ÖJAB’s BPI

Our image video (in German) follows trainers, our department head, and a participant for a day at the BPI der ÖJAB, providing insights into everyday life.

Insight into the Training Programs at ÖJAB’s BPI

The following video (in German) shows what makes training at ÖJAB’s BPI special and illustrates the human-centered approach between trainers and participants.

  • Logo wien-cert Qualitäts-Zeichen für Wiener Bildungsträger

Sign up now for one of our information days and get to know ÖJAB’s BPI in person!

Information days (in german)
Außenaufnahmen des BPI der ÖJAB, Haupteingang Hermi-Hirsch-Weg 4

OUR Location in Vienna

UNSER Standort in Mödling


BPI der ÖJAB – Ausbildungszentrum Wien

Hermi-Hirsch-Weg 3
1120 Vienna

Telephone: +43 1 8107382-11
Web address:


Office hours:
Monday to Thursday 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Friday 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM

BPI Mödling

Berufspädagogisches Institut – Institut für Berufsbildung der Österreichischen Jungarbeiterbewegung

Dr. Bruno Buchwieser Gasse 1
2340 Mödling

Telephone: +43 2 236 23271-81