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Empowering women strengthens rural development

improving biodiversity and incomes of rural women populations of the region of Centre Nord, Burkina Faso

In Burkina Faso, this project supports women in rural areas to sustainably improve their living conditions. Through agricultural training they gain opportunities for economic independence while simultaneously strengthening their communities. Learn more about how empowering women can transform an entire region!


  • Goal 1: No poverty
  • Goal 5: Gender equality
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Background and needs

In association with agriculture, rural households practice livestock farming, particularly short term farming including goat and pigs. However, a lack of technical support from production and animal health specialists is hampering the development of this sector, particularly in rural areas at risk of poverty such as the rural communes of Korsimoro, Kaya and Boussouma, in the region of Centre Nord in Burkina Faso. In addition, the reduction in agropastoral land due to the country's security situation exacerbates stubble farming and poverty, which in turn increases women's vulnerability. It is in this context that this project has been set up, with the aim of contributing to the development of the rural sector through the promotion of short-cycle livestock breeding by women.

Project activities

The project will focus exclusively on women. A total of 60 women from the north-central region in Burkina Faso will be selected according to certain eligibility criteria. They will receive training in short-cycle animal farming (goats, pigs) from EMESA, the local partner organization for this project, as well as in human rights, children's rights, personal hygiene and sexually transmitted infections. They will then be given a starter kit of animals with which to start breeding, and the progress of their livestock will be monitored periodically. Finally, to make the project sustainable, each beneficiary will donate a part of the new-born animals to 60 new women to start a new project cycle.


Das Projekt wird sich ausschließlich auf Frauen konzentrieren. Insgesamt werden 60 Frauen aus der nördlichen Zentralregion Burkina Fasos nach bestimmten Kriterien ausgewählt. Sie werden von der lokalen Partnerorganisation EMESA in der Kleintierviehzucht für Ziegen, Schweine ausgebildet. Zusätzlich werden sie in den Bereichen Menschenrechte, Kinderrechte, persönliche Hygiene und sexuell übertragbare Krankheiten geschult. Anschließend erhält jede Frau ein Starterkit an Tieren, um mit der Zucht zu beginnen, und der Fortschritt ihrer Viehhaltung wird regelmäßig geprüft. Um das Projekt nachhaltig zu gestalten, wird jede Begünstigte einen Anteil jener Tiere, die durch die Viehzucht neu geboren wurden, an 60 neue Frauen weitergeben, um einen weiteren Projektzyklus zu starten.


The project will have a significant socio-economic and environmental impact on the region of Centre nord and the concerned commune. In social terms, it will improve the social cohesion of the beneficiaries as they will collaborate during the project and make a donation to other women. On an economic mater, their income will increase, as they will be able to sell the product of their farm including meat and milk for the goat. Finally, in environmental terms, animal excrement can be used as fertilizer to fertilize soil for agriculture.

  • Funded by the City of Vienna