ÖJAB-SeniorInnenwohnanlage Aigen
Residence and Nursing Home in Salzburg
Our nursing home in Aigen, a part of the town of Salzburg, is a home for elder, healthy and care-dependent people in a familiar atmosphere.
We offer everything under one roof – from living independently to intensive care. If the health condition of a resident changes, they do not need to leave their familiar surroundings. Everybody is welcome, regardless of one´s own financial means. If necessary, funding of the County of Salzburg can be obtained.
Our primary aim is the positive shaping of the last stage of life, by integrating the personal biography in the care and perceive the individual and social needs of our residents.
To learn more about this residence, please visit the German-language version of this page by clicking on “DE” in the top right corner.
- +43 662 648258
- aigen@oejab.at


Manager, Residence and Nursing

Head of Seniors & Nursing Care for ÖJAB-Senior:innenwohnanlage Aigen

Contact & Address
ÖJAB-SeniorInnenwohnanlage Aigen
Aigner Straße 19
5020 Salzburg
Telephone: +43 662 648258
E-Mail: aigen@oejab.at
Web address: www.oejab.at/aigen
Office hours:
Monday to Friday 8:00 to 14:00
Appointments outside of office hours are available upon prior arrangement.
The office is closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays.

Female Empowerment: Die Kraft von Frauennetzwerken – ÖJAB-EPISODE #25 mit Helena Gabriel-Oiwoh
Friday, 7.3.2025

Dia-Vortrag: Nippon – Land der aufgehenden Sonne
ÖJAB-Haus Eisenstadt, Campus 2, 7000 Eisenstadt
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